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Call for Chapters - Upcoming projects

Together we disrupt

Book projects - Call for chapters

1. Questioning Gender Politics in Education: Contextualising the Future of Schooling in Uncertain Times


A call for chapters has not been written for this proposal yet, but if you are interested in publishing your work, and conducting research in schools or other educational settings, investigating issues of gender, sexuality and social justice please do get in touch by emailing me - 



2. Critical Posthumanism and Education: Key Debates, Theoretical Perspectives and Pedagogies 

Working and Publication Timeline:  

01/04/22 Submission deadline for extended abstracts 

22/04/22 Notification of acceptance of drafts 

30/11/22 Submission deadline for completed chapters 

20/01/23 Contributors sent peer-reviewed chapters

31/03/23 Submission deadline for chapters 

01/06/23 Sent to publisher for publication 

The book’s focus on posthumanism in education seeks to bring the vibrancy of matter and life into various educational contexts to generate a more critical understanding of the relationalities connecting the material world, strained ecologies and human existence on Earth. As part of the book’s vision, a wider understanding of education is proposed, one which goes beyond the classroom walls, or that education can only happen in institutions. Also, a deeper awareness of the effects of technological and growth-based capitalism is brought to diverse educational contexts through various conceptual and experimental contributions which will range from re-conceptualising pieces to pedagogical experiments. The narrative in the book seeks to re-analyse and challenge traditionalistic power flows in education, such as the teacher-student relationship, the passivity of learning, teachers as policy subjects and the institutional emplacement of learning. Providing alternatives, the book invites educators, students, teachers and others to engage with debates and perspectives that open up education to consider the mutual becomings that can occur if we consider the relationalities linking humans to wider ecologies and materials.

We invite contributions by academics, researchers and doctoral students who explore the formations  in a particular theme, theoretical approach, or practice in education. Entries should be introducing a posthuman imaginary in the field of education through critical interventions; pedagogical experiments; or reconceptualisations. The book will present challenges to the centrality of Western, anthropocentric, colonial and patriarchal elements in education and offer ways to move beyond traditional, humanist perspectives in the field. The focus of the book is to develop and take up educational issues and topics from a critical posthumanist perspective. Critical posthumanism is understood as a theoretical approach which seeks to move beyond human exceptionalism, with the emphasis on ‘critical’ as affirmative thinking and doing which suggests  a complex unravelling of the relationships between human and the more-than-human world  (Braidotti and Hlavajova, 2018). Critical posthumanism further problematises the precarity of  human existence among the numerous dynamics emerging from technologies, capitalism, the climate crisis and Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

The purpose of the book is to throw a spotlight on the role education can play in becoming a space where a more ethically sensitive ontology of relatedness can emerge. Within the context of education, we take up Braidotti’s understanding of ‘posthuman subjectivity’ as ‘a practical project’,  ‘a praxis’ (Braidotti, 2020, p. 73); one which can help challenge the acceptance of the human educated subject as the main purpose of education. The book seeks contributions that explore the limitations and the pulsating potentialities of existing practices, pedagogies, curricular arrangements and power dynamics in the world of education. 

Contributors should consider the following questions: 

What kind of education might emerge if attention is paid to the posthuman and collaborative pedagogies?

How can education account for and reposition the agency/centrality of more-than-human and non-human actors?

What counts as a non-human/more-than human actor in education, pedagogy and/or learning? 

How can a rethinking of education through critical posthumanism refocus the notion of the educated subject? 

How can a focus on critical posthumanism in education develop new pedagogies and methodologies in education?


Chapter topics could include but are not limited to: 

Collaborative assemblages in education; Post-pandemic assemblages in education; Post-pandemic pedagogies and remakings; Territorialisations, re-territorialisations and de-territorialisations in education; Social media and digital cultures in education; Materialising becomings and posthuman ontologies in education; Posthuman relationalities and remakings in education; Affective posthumanism in education; Diffractive analysis in education; Material Intra-actions in education; Posthuman art and posthuman methods in education; Cartographies and cartographic methods in education; Posthuman eco-pedagogies and posthuman ecological education ; New literacies and posthumanism; Decoloniality and critical narratives/histories in education 

Brief Submission Guidelines: 

Extended abstracts should be between 800 and 1,000 words (including references); these abstracts should include, author’s name, institution affiliation and email address and be sent by email to co-editors and by 1st April 2022. A notification of acceptance from the editors will be sent after two weeks of the submission deadline.

The publisher of this book will be Routledge and the allocated length for full chapters is 7,000 words (including references). We anticipate contributors will use Harvard references and recommend contributors write their abstracts and chapters following these guidelines:

List of References: 

Braidotti, R. and Hlavajova, M. (2018) Posthuman Glossary. London: Bloomsbury. 

Braidotti, R. (2020) Posthuman Knowledge. Medford: MA. 


Talks and Presentations 


Universal Basic Income: Broadening the notion of ‘work’ & the work of women - Online Talk - 9th March 2022. 

To sign up click here! 

TALON Take5 Symposium: Collaboration in Higher Education - De-territorialisations for pedagogical co-creation: Challenging traditionalistic pedagogies with students in higher education - April 7th 2022.

To sign up click here!



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