Sharing is learning
June 2014, Bustillos, J. Session Presenter: ‘Innovating the Field of Education Studies: Knowledge Technologies as Assemblages’ (session with David Blundell and Sandra Abegglen) University, of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. The 10th Annual Conference of the British Education Studies Association (BESA), 26 – 27 June 2014.
April 2015, Bustillos, J and Abegglen, S. Session presenters: ‘Science education: Beyond a liminal understanding of knowledge production/dissemination’ Antalya, Turkey. International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (ICEMST), 23rd -25th April, 2015.
January, 2016, Bustillos, J. Session presenter: ‘Understanding Young people as Mediatised Public’. Institute of Education, London, Sociology Conference, 21st January 2016.
June 2016, Bustillos, J. Session presenter: ‘Exploring Young People’s Mediatisations on Social Media as Enabling Gender ‘Resistances’ and ‘Response-abilities’ (Symposium/ Panel presentations with Emma Renold and Katie Warfield. Panel Title: Engaging mediated and posthuman gender activisms with young people in schools) University of Linköping, Sweden. Gender and Education Association (GEA), 15th - 17th June 2016.
November 2016, Bustillos, J. Session Presenter: ‘Young people’s learning about gender on Tumblr in an age of school crisis’. Conference Title: New mediations of Feminist Sociology of Education. UCL Institute of Education, London, Sociology Conference, November, 2016.
April 2017, Bustillos, J. Session presenter: ‘The case of Tumblr: young people’s mediatised responses to the crisis of learning about gender at school’ (Symposium/Panel presen- tations with Beatriz Revelles-Benavente and Ana M. Gonzalez Ramos) University of Vilnius, Lithuania. AtGender, The European Association for Gender Research, 17th - 19th April, 2017.
June 2017, Bustillos, J. and Abegglen, S. Sessions presenters: ‘Teachers’ Critical Reflections on Leaving the Profession’ Hope University, Liverpool England, UK. The 13th Annual Conference of the British Education Studies Association (BESA), 29th – 30th June 2017.
June 2018, Bustillos, J. Session Presenter: ‘Gendered online practices on Facebook: young people and drinking cultures’ (Symposium/Panel presentation) University College London, London, UK. Phematerialism Conference, 7th -8th June 2018.
June 2021, Bustillos Morales, J. Session Presenter: ‘Eco-Education: A response to the Anthropocene and an uncertain future’ (session with David Blundell and Sandra Abegglen) Online Event, UK. The 16th Annual Conference of the British Education Studies Association (BESA), 24th -25th June, 2021.